Manual Pumps- Mommy Knows Best and Nature Bond

Breastfeeding is going really well for our son, so well that I end up leaking a lot of milk during my let down. I read on a Mom group that some moms were using manual pumps to catch their let down leakage, so I did a little research. I saw that most of the pumps looked the same. I tried out six different ones and found the two that I like best, Nature Bond and Mommy Knows Best.
So here is the hype about manual pumps:
When breastfeeding, the breast that doesn’t isn’t nursing can sometimes leak with let down. Manual pumps use a little suction to help that milk leak from the breast and be stored for later use.
The manual pumps that I tried were are the same basic shape and material, and all worked similarly, Nature Bond and Mommy Knows Best offered a few stand out features, making them the ultimate winners.
Safe: Both are food-grade silicone and BPA-free.
Closures: Nature Bond offers a stopper and Mommy Knows Best offers a lid. Both are useful, but I found the stoppers for Nature Bond to be a little easier to manage.
Stand: Mommy Knows Best comes with a stand to set it in.
Durability: Both of these brands have held up in countless cycles in the dishwasher.
Other products: Nature Bond offers great fruit feeders that are an easy add on. Mother Knows Best offers organic nipple cream, delicious lactation cookies, and AMAZING bamboo breast pads. I have completely stopped using disposable pads because these are so much softer and better for the environment.
Overall thoughts:
Both Nature Made and Mommy Knows Best offer great manual breast pumps. I like the stopper offered with Nature Bond but I found the Mother Knows Best breast pads to irreplaceable. You won’t go wrong with either of these manual breast pumps.