No more griping with GripeBelt

Every parent dreads watching their little one suffer through an upset tummy. The sense of helplessness is nothing short of a heartache. You will almost always find yourself scouring the internet for remedies to treat and prevent your baby’s upset tummy. This is what doctors like Agnes Scoville are for. Dr. Agnes is not only a doctor, but she is also a mother and an entrepreneur who has invented the GripeBelt. Dr. Agnes put basic physiology to work and paired heat in conjunction with compression. The heat comes in the form of a hot water bottle that is tucked away inside an adorable monster plush toy that wraps comfortably around the baby’s mid-section. It’s also important to note that this adorable plush toy comes equipped with tactile elements including crinkly ears, squeaky toys, tags to pull, and different textures to keep your baby distracted from their discomfort.
Upon receiving the GripeBelt, I was immediately impressed. When I tell you that you’ll never find me griping about the simplicity and success of the GripeBelt, I wholeheartedly mean it. Upon my son’s first upset tummy I ran to the GripeBelt for help. I have to admit that I was slightly concerned about heating up the hot water bottle in fear of scalding his skin, but the recommended heating time left the temperature of the hot water bottle subtle and soothing. After the first few min of wearing it, the gentle pressure had my baby cooing and exploring the attached toys. It’s pretty simple but the GripeBelt makes sense and it’s an all-natural alternative to babies who suffer from colic. I would recommend the GripeBelt to any new/expecting parent because let’s face it, upset tummies are inevitable and your baby deserves relief.